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Consciously Digital Fundamentals
(offline in-person only)

Learn foundational coaching skills for digital wellbeing to help yourself and others. This is a "sneak peek" into our full 9 month digital wellbeing certification. The program is offered only in person (offline) in Barcelona, Spain. Accredited by NBHWC for 4.25 CE credits.
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Want to know what it's like to be a digital wellbeing coach? Work on your own digital habits? Help your family members better control their devices? 

Learn the latest neuroscience and basic coaching tools in this one day Consciously Digital Fundamentals training. This is a "sneak peek" into our full 9 months training certified by International Coach Federation and National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching, taught by the same highly experienced instructors.

This program is now offered only as an in-person half-day training.


  • Understand what triggers your bad digital habits and learn tools to identify and block triggers

  • Get insights into how to optimize your brain performance in the digital age

  • Learn practical coaching tools to help your family members and co-workers manage their attention

  • Expand your range of coaching and consulting tools

  • Build a bond with like-minded people from a variety of backgrounds (past students came from 5 continents and range from coaches to HR specialists to UX designers, software developers, meditation instructors and more)

  • Get a discount for our 9 month coach training course

What to Expect


5 hours of highly interactive in-person learning, including breaks. Sample schedule here but we may adapt it to the level of participants.

​A small group of max 20 participants with lots of personal attention.

Learning Tools

Surprise physical kit with coaching tools sent to your house (please note that due to pandemic there might be delays in the postal services that we cannot control, so please join early).


Digital wellbeing theory based on the latest neuroscience research.

Topics covered: how to cope with the impact of persuasive and addictive design on our ability to pursue goals, happiness hormones and the role of dopamine and serotonin in regulating our online behaviour, effect of remote working and how to make it work for us, types of human attention and how to manage attention in the digital age.

Practical tools to manage your own screen-time and help others do the same.

Practice newly acquired coaching skills.

Make new friends.

Money back guarantee: if you don't like the course/don't find it useful, we'll refund you the full amount, if you give us constructive feedback on how we can improve it.

Next Dates

We run Consciously Digital In-Person Fundamentals training 1-2 times per year.
Next date and location: to be confirmed

Join our waitlist here to know when we announce the next date.

If you cannot make it live
, join our online program 5-Day Attention Detox Challenge on the professional ticket (same content but spread over 5 days).


Offline only. Usually in Barcelona, Spain.

There is no recording provided, as all of the program is highly interactive and 'in the moment'.


Price for half-day live training - 349.99 GBP.

Early bird discount is available 3 weeks before the event.

*Payment details are in the registration form



Jaymie Meyer
Health and Wellness Coach, United States

"As a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and a PCC,  I’m always looking for cutting edge strategies to support clients around stress reduction and overall well-being. This course delivered everything I’d hoped for - and then some! Anastasia elegantly combines cutting edge science with coaching systems and tools which any coach - beginning or advanced - can easily employ. At a time when so many are struggling with digital overwhelm, I enthusiastically recommend this course."

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Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina 

Your Instructor

Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina is a global digital wellbeing thought leader, two-time TEDx speaker, bestselling author of Homo Distractus, founder of Consciously Digital and director of the first ICF and NBHWC-certified digital wellbeing program.

She delivered over 1000+ keynotes worldwide and has been an instructor at Consciously Digital for over 8 years. Her work is regularly featured in BBC, Forbes, The Guardian, etc, and clients include Microsoft, Google, Lush and HSBC. She holds a PhD and MBA and speaks five languages.
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