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Level 3 in Digital Wellbeing Course

Start: September 11th 2024,
Finish: December 11th 2024

"The Social Being"
Learn how to implement digital wellbeing in organizations and support them in the future of work. Understand the impact of AI on the society. 
Help parents raise healthier kids in the digital age. Practice coaching groups. 

What will I get?

  • Tools to coach groups of any size in the digital age - from 2 to thousands of people

  • Foundational theoretical concepts and applicability of digital wellbeing in organizations and families

  • Get confident to apply the newest research on how devices shape child development

  • Learn how to work with parents and people emotionally charged about a specific topic

  • Discover the impact of social media on mental health and equip yourself with strategies to mitigate the negative effects

  • Find tools to deal with loneliness in the digital world for colleagues/clients/kids

  • Learn how to use "Systemic Coaching" approach to promote digital wellbeing at work
  • Practice writing winning proposals for companies on digital wellbeing and create drafts relevant for you

  • Learn how to manage the risks and challenges of sharing data in a digital world

  • Understand the impact of digital habits on the environment and learn sustainable practices that are good for both your digital wellbeing and our planet

  • Explore how AI implementation is influencing the Future of Work

  • Continue your journey towards becoming certified in digital wellbeing

Money back guarantee: If you don't like the course/don't find it useful, we'll refund you the full amount, if you give us constructive feedback on how we can improve it within 21 days of the start.


How does it work?

  • Focuses on how technology is changing our relationships - from families to future of work to our relationship with nature

  • 3 months online course with a break in the middle

  • Highly interactive with a live instructor and peers, nothing pre-recorded

  • Two options to study: theory only or theory + coaching tools and implementation

  • 6-12 classes depending on the selected study options, each class 1.5 hours

  • Individual and small groups assignments and personal challenges

  • Applicability for workplace, parenting and personal use

  • CE credits by ICF and NBHWC available (see T&Cs)

  • Pre-requisites: Levels 1 and/or 2 in digital wellbeing or a very good understanding and experience with 1-1 coaching. You will be asked to pass a short interview

What to expect

Option 1: Theory Only
  • Group calls every 2 weeks - includes 6 theoretical live calls x 1.5 hours each over 3 months

  • Reading preparation at home (2-3 hours per week)

  • Case study discussions with a small group (1-2 hours every two weeks), humans review all answers

  • Self-tests (0.5 hour every two weeks)

  • Exercises and personal challenges to implement the learning at home and foster your personal digital wellbeing (2-3 minutes per exercise)

  • Community of current students and alumni to discuss your learnings and experience

  • Total time commitment: 4-5 hours per week

  • CE Credits: This option does NOT give you continuous education credits from ICF and NBHWC

  • Option 1 investment: 1199.99 GBP

Is Option 1 for you?
  • Suitable for those who are only interested in understanding the theoretical concepts of digital wellbeing, and not acquire coaching or consulting tools to use with clients.

  • Recommended if you want to raise your own awareness of the subject.

  • Does not cover applicability of knowledge.

  • Does NOT give you the right to be called a Consciously Digital coach or consultant.

  • Does NOT give you the right to say you are Level 2 certified by Consciously Digital

  • Gives you a certificate of completion that is NOT accredited by ICF or NBHWC and states that you have completed Theoretical part of Level 2 only.

  • Please, note that you cannot proceed with the full certification without the coaching part, but you can take the coaching part separately later on.

Option 2: Theory & Applicability

Everything under Option 1, plus:

  • 6 extra applicability group calls x 1.5 hours each over 3 months, where we dive into specific coaching* tools for behavioural change.

  • Coaching practicums and case study discussions with a small group (3-4 hours every two weeks).

  • Focus on how to use tools and theory to make changes at work, families or clients.

  • Curator for your small group from the alumni of Consciously Digital, who will porvide real life feedback on your skills.

  • Total time commitment: 7-8 hours per week

  • CE Credits: Gives you 20 continuous education credits (CCEs) from ICF (incl 7 RD and 13 CC) and 18 CEs from NBHWC under Module 3 of certification

  • Option 2 investment: 1699.99 GBP

*Note: while theoretical calls are recorded, coaching group calls are mandatory to attend, if you want to receive Level 3 diploma.

Is Option 2 for you?
  • Suitable for those who want to implement digital wellbeing concepts in their work, as it covers both theory and applicability of the studied concepts.

  • Suitable for all levels of coaching experience, as your receive specific exercises depending on your level.

  • Does NOT give you the right to be called a Consciously Digital coach or consultant (this title is reserved for fully certified students who have been through the 9 months certification).

  • Does NOT give you the right to call yourself a certified  digital wellbeing coach (you have to take the whole 9 months curriculum to be certified).

  • Does NOT cover the topic of how to build a business in digital wellbeing.

  • Allows you to continue with the certification anytime the program is offered (currently offered once per year).

Theoretical Curriculum

• Key differences between online and offline behaviours and what it means for your clients
• Does online world make us less empathethic? How to work on empathy with clients
• Does social media make us antisocial or impact mental health?
• Should we limit social media usage? What science says
• The impact of social media overuse on body image
• Digital fatigue paradox – how online activity can both add and take away your energy
• How to align the parties that disagree on key things

Call 1: Online vs Offline Behaviour. Social media and Mental Health

• What is "social wellbeing," and why should it be part of any company’s strategy?
• Difference between loneliness and solitude
• Why, despite the abundance of connecting tools, are we in an "epidemic of loneliness"?
• Effect of loneliness on physical and mental health
• Why "always-on" culture is detrimental to people
• The social media jetlag phenomenon
• Prevalence of ranking elements in tech design and its consequences
• Right to Disconnect vs. flexible working trade-off
• How AI impacts loneliness in organizations
• How to write a digital wellbeing proposal for an organization

Call 2:
Remote Work and the Right to Disconnect.

  • How tech usage impacts children's brains (myelination and other important processes)

  • Guidelines for screen time usage for various ages

  • Is using digital tech in education justified?

  • Should you worry about screen time? Key areas parents should focus on

  • How to design a family digital plan

  • Systemic coaching key principles: how to coach relationships between people

Call 3: Children's Development & Parenting in the Digital Age

• How we outsource decision-making to AI and what it means for the future of work
• How algorithms make human behavior predictable
• How sharing your data impacts your life choices and ability to follow your goals
• Importance of human agency for wellbeing and the impact of AI on human agency
• Impact of AI on diversity and inclusion in organizations
• How to make clients aware of the impact of AI and data biases on their daily choices
• How to support organizations implementing AI policies from a digital wellbeing viewpoint
• “Tech for good.” Can technology be used to encourage good behavior? Opportunities and limitations


Call 4: Human Agency & Future of Work. Algorithms & Data Biases.

  • Why you and your clients should care about your data and privacy (psychological, health, social, financial, and political considerations)

  • Risks and challenges with data sharing for adults and kids—and how to protect yourself

  • Existing regulation in data protection and AI for different countries

  • How to make sure that your coaching business is compliant with GDPR and why you should care even if you are not in the EU

  • Impact of wearable devices and the “Internet of Things” on human behavior

Call 5:
Why Privacy Matters. AI & Data Protection Regulation.

• Are our digital habits sustainable? The impact on the environment
• Digital carbon footprint – and how to reduce it
• Manufacturing and upgrading devices – the real cost for the planet
• The impact of AI on global warming and water consumption
• Digital minimalism and sustainable consumption
• How to make clients more aware of the impact of their digital habits
• Solutions to protect the environment in the digital age
• Review key learnings of Level 3

Call 6: Sustainability of Digital Habits. How AI Impacts Environment.

Next Dates

Start: September 11th 2024.
Finish: December 11th 2024.

Calls are every Wednesday, 17:30-19:00 BST 
18:30-20:00 CET
12.30-14.00 ET.

Consciously Digital Level 3 training is currently offered once per year.

Please, join our waitlist if you can't make it this year, or check our shorter programs meanwhile.


Online (Zoom). You must be in a quiet place and have camera on.

All sessions are recorded, however it is highly advised to join live calls, which are highly interactive and 'in the moment'.

If missing, you will be asked to fill in a "missed session form" to get the credits.


Option 1: Theory Only. 1199.99 GBP

Option 2: ​Theory and Applicability (coaching tools): 1699.99 GBP

Payment terms: 599.99 GBP due upon the course registration, and the rest before the course starts.

Discounts: no discounts or scholarships are currently available for this course, but you can use this document to try to convince your boss to pay for you



Sophie Maroille
Wellness coach


"Digital well-being is crucial for the corporate world as it directly impacts employee productivity, mental health, and overall job satisfaction. The Consciously Digital courses brings the cutting-edge researches and coaching approach to effectively address this topic in a systemic and pragmatic way. Companies need to recognize and mitigate the overwhelming effects of constant connectivity and digital overload to foster a healthier work environment. By collectively addressing these challenges with a coaching and involving approach and setting a positive example through organizational policies and leadership, businesses can ensure a more balanced and sustainable use of technology. The Consciously Digital approach not only benefits individual employees but also enhances team cohesion and corporate performance."

Your Instructor

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Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina 
Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina is a two times TEDx speaker, bestselling author of Homo Distractus and founder of Consciously Digital.
Anastasia is a global pioneer of digital wellness, and an acknowledged international expert in the area, who frequently appears in top national and international media including BBC, The Guardian, Forbes,, El Pais, and speaks at major tech events like Women of Silicon Roundabout (London) or Mobile World Congress (Barcelona).
Her clients include HSBC, DLA PIper, Lush, Colt Technologies, VistaPrint, Google,, Microsoft, Soho House and many others.
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