Your ability to concentrate on doing something deeply without any disruption is the key to success. This is not me saying it, but rather the author of the new book Deep Work about Bill Gates, that explains how the world’s richest man managed to start a billion-dollar industry in less than a semester.
Choosing to do something without being constantly interrupted – whether it’s by notifications, social media, and other not important online stuff, is not a philosophical concept, but a very pragmatic decision. It allows you to “get valuable things done”. This Easter, I invite you to remember what’s truly valuable for you (Work project? Family? Volunteering? Nature?), and keep your online distractions for the minimum in order to reconnect with it. For the following four days, I suggest you limit your usage of your devices for 1 hour per day in the evening (if you aren’t ready to let it go altogether), and see how your focus on things that are truly important for you improves. I personally find it highly valuable to share my thoughts with others, and so this Easter I will be unplugging to work on my new book. What will you unplug for this Easter? Ready to #UnplugforEaster? PS When we are all back from holidays, join my free webinar on how to keep productive and healthy in an age of digital distraction on Wednesday the 30th March. Register and spread the word!