From this week, we're introducing something special: Detox Fridays. We select some of the most interesting facts, tips, stories and pics from the world around the digital detox topic, saving you time and letting you know all you need for a healthier and less stressful lifestyle.
Here are the three top picks from this week:
1. Four signs you are NOT addicted to tech (from an interview with an expert of National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) in India):
You’re using your device with a purpose (and can move on once it’s completed)
Your device does not influence your sleeping/eating patterns (i.e. you don’t delay your sleep to stay more on social media)
You are still interested in outdoors activities
You won’t freak out/feel socially isolated if your phone breaks down (mild anxiety is ok)
Feel you might be addicted?
2. Then you may want to follow these four tips to disconnect productively from a PR agency owner who thinks digital detox saved her business:
focus on one task at a time,
slow down on a regular basis,
welcome being bored,
take a conscious break from digital.
3. Alternatively, you may want to go into the African Bush on Back to Basics - an initiative set up by an Accenture employee for super-connected overachievers, who are taken into the wild for a week no heating/water/and importantly, no Wi-Fi. She backs up her project by the research claiming that the best leaders take time to slow down and spend at least 1/3 (!) of their week on self-reflection.
Bonus track: In the light of upcoming St Valentine's, mobile is named by researchers among the top reasons of problems between the couples. Enjoy, a few awesome creative ideas from Adnews and help your loved ones raise awareness about digital detox in our lives.